Saturday, February 23, 2013

This week I want to talk about the marriage and divorce rate in America and what we can do to keep our relationships intact.

Age has a lot to do with how we handle problems in our relationships.
It seems men and women who got married from age 20-24 had the highest rate of divorce in America. Why might this be? Well not speaking for everyone in this age group, but this age is usually when people are finding themselves and just discovering what they want in life. Many people change and if your relationship doesn't change to accommodate it you may just be closer to divorce than you think, as unfortunate as it may seem.
                                        5 Tips for surviving your marriage!
1) Always include your partner in any life altering decisions.
Discussing your plans show you are growing together and not on your own. Shows you are building a life with them not without them.
2) Never seek out another person to validate and coddle your hurt feeling.
As innocent as this may seem, do not do it. If you are having relationship problems the last thing you need is an emotional affair and or everyone knowing every problem in your relationship.
3) Always talk to your partner about your feelings
Yes ladies, we do like to talk about our feelings and our men want to run the opposite direction. Yet there are ways to talk without seeming crazy to our partners. Ease into things, try this for example
 "I feel as if we haven't spent as much time together, what about us having a date night next week just you and me."
4) Never compare your husband or wife to a relative
If you want to be married and stay married never ever compare a woman to their mother or your mother unless it is to say "wow, honey your peach cobbler is so much better than your/my moms." women and men are competitive and that's ok but no one wants to be less than someone else.
5) Always help with the house work
Whether you work outside the home or not, male or female. You live there and you should help. The stay at home partner is not your maid, butler, chef or secretary just because they choose to be at home. You would be doing everything yourself if it was just you, so do your part and NEVER complain about it! 
Here are the statistics I found about marriage and divorce. According to

Age at marriage for those who divorce in America
Under 20 years old27.6%11.7%
20 to 24 years old36.6%38.8%
25 to 29 years old16.4%22.3%
30 to 34 years old8.5%11.6%
35 to 39 years old5.1%6.5%

Divorce Statistics in America for Marriage
MarriageDivorce statistics (in percent)
First Marriage45% to 50% marriages end in divorce
Second Marriage60% to 67% marriages end in divorce
Third Marriage70% to 73% marriages end in divorce
Children of Divorce Statistics
According to discovery channel, couples with children have a slightly lower rate of divorce than childless couples. Sociologists also believe that childlessness is also a common cause of divorce. The absence of children leads to loneliness and weariness. In the United States, at least 66 per cent of all divorced couples are childless.

Divorcing CouplesDivorce Rate Statistics (in percent)
Couples With Children40%
Couples Without Children66%

Please take these things inconsideration and know these are just statistics and are not set in stone. I'll be back next Saturday with more relationship talk! Until then join us on

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