Saturday, March 2, 2013

SO Saturdays!


            Welcome to Another Significant Other Saturday!

This week I want to share the ways to keep your relationship hot!

  •  Get out of the house and do something daring together!
Find something you normally wouldn't do. Something daring and full of excitement.When you get your adrenaline going with your SO, you automatically feel more passion towards each other.
  • Get fixed up for your next date!
Just because your comfortable with your SO doesn't mean you should dress in jeans and a hoodie on every date! Try dressing up, put some make up on, jewelry and perfume! Your man will see you are smoking hot and want to show you off! Men, ladies like a man with style and CLEAN nails, I recommend a manicure before your next date!
  •  Plan the date in advance
Everyone hates trying to decide what to do 10 minutes before heading out. Plan your next date night at least 24-48 hours in advanced so you know what to expect and wear.
  •  Be open to new ideas
Try something new! Go to a sporting event, go wine tasting, go bungee jumping or anything you don't normally do.
  • Share something silly your SO doesn't know.
Even if you have been together for 10 years and think you know every possible thing there's always something you can find. It can be a silly memory as a child, embarrassing moment, or something you did yesterday that would make them laugh. Opening up always brings couples closer.
  • Leave your SO little notes
Leaving love notes or a simply good morning beautiful, enjoy your day really makes for a happy SO. With technology now a days people forget about hand written notes that have more meaning and power. It's something that can be kept longer.
  • Try new things in the bedroom
New things are fun. Try role playing or simply buying a sexy new pair of underware. Don't limit yourself to just the bedroom either. Remember new relationships where you wanted to do it anywhere, well try it again! The more confidence you have the more fun you will have! Try visiting for new techniques!

For more Significant Other questions, advice, tips and more visit Mama's Traumas < Click here and come back next week for more SO Saturdays with Amanda!

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