Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pregnancy Medication Saftey

When you are pregnant you want to make sure whatever you ingest is safe for baby, especially when it comes to medications. I have complied a list of safe medications to use during pregnancy. The sources of my list will be listed below. I have been pregnant twice also, so I know from first hand experience.
<3 Amanda

 Safe Medications to use during pregnancy


 Always check over-the-counter cold medications for alcohol, sugar, caffeine, or aspirin. Medications should be taken as directed and for no longer than seven days. If symptoms persist, call your doctors office.
•Allergy relief medicine (ARM)
•Benadryl (tablet, capsule, and liquid form), Benadryl Plus
•Chlor-Trimeton, Chlor-Trimeton LA
•Robitussin DM
•Sine-Off (WITHOUT aspirin)
•Sinutab Extra Strength, Sinutab Maximum Strength (NOT Sinutab Allergy)
•Sudafed (tablet and liquid form), Sudafed Plus, Sudafed 12 Hour
•Throat lozenges
•Triaminic, Triaminic Cold, Triaminic Nite Lite, Triaminic PM, Triaminic 12 Hour
•Tylenol Sinus
 The following medications can be taken for constipation relief:
•Colace 50mg (one or two, twice daily)
Other helpful suggestions:
•Increase water intake to 8-10 eight-ounce glasses daily
•Eat plenty of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and fiber
•Get adequate exercise; walking is a good exercise during pregnancy
If constipation persists, call your doctors office for further instructions.
 The following medications can be taken for relief of diarrhea:
•Immodium AD (use no longer than 48 hours and no more than four caplets or 8 teaspoons in a 24-hour period)
 You might also try the B.R.A.T. diet (banana, rice, applesauce, tea/toast). If diarrhea persists, call your  doctors office for further instructions.
 The following medications can be taken for relief of hemorrhoids:
•Preparation H
 Other helpful suggestions:
•Soak in a warm bath
•Take a sitz bath
 The following medications can be taken for pain relief:
•Exprin (by Giant)
•Tylenol, Extra Strength Tylenol, or generic acetaminophen
Heartburn/Indigestion/Upset Stomach
 The following over-the-counter medications can be taken for indigestion, heartburn, and upset stomach:
•Mylanta, Mylanta II
The following prescription medications may be used only on the advice of your physician:
Nausea/Morning Sickness
 The following medications can be taken for relief of nausea:
•Vitamin B6 (50mg twice daily)
•Emetrol (don’t use if diabetic)
 Other helpful suggestions:
•Ginger Root (2 tablets, 2-4 times a day)
•Small frequent meals
•8-10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day


The following medications can be used for relief of rashes.
  • Benadryl cream
  • Caladryl lotion or cream
  • Hydrocortisone cream or ointment
  • Oatmeal bath (Aveeno)

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